Trying to update existing code.

Adding serial prints may not help you when you're writing to and reading from memory you don't own.

Sorry for the late response. been having trouble with the arduino forums. To answer your earlier question there are 4 angles were working with and fond the first problem with the array of ServoAngles[] = {0, ,0}. That is only for 2 sets of data. That has now been changed to servoAngles[] = {0, 0, 0, 0} to account for all 4 angles were getting over the serial port. This now should at least get us on the right track. For the data that is being sent to the arduino it is this.

byte out[] = new byte[4];
out[0] = byte(shoulderAngle);
out[1] = byte(elbowAngle);
out[2] = byte(wristAngle);
out[3] = byte(wrist2Angle);