ArduinoDUE - FloatingPointVS Integer math

Hi guys, thank for your replies. The code is quite long, so I'll try to post an extract for the two version in two different posts.
Before I post the code, I want to grant you that I get the same result in both ways. The algorythm has been first written in Matlab and then translated in C. To compare the results, I get the raw samples printed on Serial port, I copy and paste them in Matlab passing them through matlab algorythm. Except some normal fluctuations on the 4th decimal, the result it's the same.

Now,think about I've dinamically allocated some vectors using polyAlloc() function: rawSignal, polySignal, polyIQ and polyResult. I've also succesfully acquired 5000 16 bit samples and stored them inside rawSignal vector. Then I call computeOutput() function, that uses the filter() function.