I Keep getting errors when I try to upload

I see you are using a different library than I'm familiar with. A quick google turned up the .h file though.


// serLCD.h
// Simplifies the use of the SparkFUN LCD
// Mike Coombes, 25 May 2007

#include <usart.h>       // library containing serial communtication functions

void LCD_ClearDisplay(void);
void LCD_CursorOn(void);
void LCD_CursorOff(void);
void LCD_MoveRight(void);
void LCD_MoveLeft(void);
void LCD_ScrollRight(void);
void LCD_ScrollLeft(void);
void LCD_BlinkOn(void);
void LCD_BlinkOff(void);
void LCD_DisplayOn(void);
void LCD_DisplayOff(void);
void LCD_UnderlineOn(void);
void LCD_UnderlineOff(void);
void LCD_Position(unsigned char line, unsigned char column);

I don't see a cursorTo function in there which is why the error occurs. I do see an LCD_Position function that takes line and column. That list there is actually the function prototypes for the library.