LumiNet (based on attiny84)

the attiny85 is supported as well. I took some pictures, but you will have to wait until Monday I guess. I think the attiny84 is the better choice, I have one here in DIL14... the attiny85 has too few pins.
But if this is sufficient for your application then my modified IDE can handle this chip, yes.

And now some great news for all windows users (mac and linux support will be added later):

I managed to add the FTDI BitBang bootloader upload process into my IDE.

So from now on it is possible to use the X3 pin header of the FTDI chip of the Arduino Diecimila as an ISP programmer (as descibed in the link above).

Of course this enables you to burn a bootloader to the Diecimila itself, but I burn the bootloader to my attiny84 powered LumiNet nodes with this hack.

@darudude: thanks for motivating me, the bit bang bootloader is really working well and you can select it like any other ISP programmer in my IDE.