TLC5940 Overheating (Daisy Chain) ( Electronic Beer Pong Table)

"BTW....since dot correction was not stated as being used, DCn=0."
No way! Does nixing pixel correction imply 0, does the datasheet state that? If that was so, as you noted, then you could do whatever you wanted because everything there gets multiplied by "0/63=0" and everything would then be "0", a free play, and that would make zero sense.

Yes, the datasheet does talk about dot correction being in the range of 0 to 63 or 64 steps from 0% to 100% of the maximum output current Imax (page 15).

Review Order of math operations: Order of operations - Wikipedia then apply it to the equation. It doesn't make the whole thing zero...just everything past the '+' sign. :slight_smile: