PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features)

This version is already outdated !! Link to always most recent version of PLX DAQ v2 here:
==> PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features) - Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer - Arduino Forum <==

Anyways I created a new version today and even created a Beginner Guide for people to get a better understanding of how PLX DAQ v2 works and how they can start using it. It also lists all commands that are available for Arduino thus even the more experienced users might benefit from that guide :slight_smile:

What's new in "Version 2.10" aka Change log:

  • I wrote a 9 pages long Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2 for newbies to get started with the tool.

  • Extended the CELL,SET command to be able to set cells on other sheets as well (after CELL,GET with version 2.9 :wink: )
    Syntax is Serial.println("CELL,SET,ONSHEET,SheetName,Column,Row,Value"); ==> e.g., Serial.println("CELL,SET,ONSHEET,Simple Data,E,4,My Test String");

  • Modified CLEARSHEET command. It will now clear data starting at row 1. So it will clear the whole sheet as its name suggests. To clear only the data I added a new command CLEARDATA. I think the names are less ambiguous now :wink:

  • Updated the default sketch to include the new commands

Backlog for next version(s):

  • find a solution for Excel crashing when moving the window around while logging. Priority: low ; Workaround: don't move window while logging ; Status: clueless...
  • solve get cell / set cell mix up reported by jl1cny here. Priority: medium; Workaround: use baud rates smaller 25.000; Status: in contact with Sam SASv directly via email to identify issue. Best guess is an issue in Arduino code with Serial.ParseInt not getting values out of buffer correctly
  • Double check if both issues above existed in PLX DAQ v1 as well. In case yes => we are screwed

(hosted on my server, no traffic hijack)

This version is already outdated !! Link to always most recent version of PLX DAQ v2 here:
==> PLX-DAQ version 2 - now with 64 bit support! (and further new features) - Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer - Arduino Forum <==

Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2.doc (168 KB) (284 KB)

PLX-DAQ-v2-DefaultSketch.ino (2.97 KB)