Timer2 Interrups REFUSE to work! :(

Ok, here goes

Code is attached in arduino formatting (as INO file). Code also references a couple LIBs but they should be in arduino program by default. This is literally all the code i have on this, soo...

Also attached is the schematic and rough board layout in EAGLE.

Posted by: MarkT
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We need to see your circuit to understand this, some of your code suggests you are clocking timer2's prescaler at 32768Hz, is this true and if so how?

To be honest, I have no idea what you just said. I am just trying to get timer2 to inturrupt every 8s from a 32.768 crystal. Most of my code was copied from sparkfuns example, so it should work, but as I said, hardware and software level inturrupts are not exactly my strongpoint.

Posted by: PaulS
Not working saves even more power? Just trying to eliminate possible areas of conflict.

Yep :D, well at least at the moment...

I'd check... I also don't see where you connect that ISR to that pin. The attachInterrupt() function is usually called to make an association.
I think this deos it

//Setup external INT0 interrupt
  EICRA = (1<<ISC01); //Interrupt on falling edge
  EIMSK = (1<<INT0); //Enable INT0 interrupt

Which pins would that be? What code, of yours, is supposed to respond to those interrupts?
Pins TOSC1 & TOSC2 if I got the names right. Just XTAL1 and XTAL2 on the schematic. This code is what is supposed to be run when it interrupts.

  seconds += 8; //We sleep for 8 seconds instead of 1 to save more power
  //seconds++; //Use this if we are waking up every second

  if(seconds > 59){
    seconds = seconds - 59;

  if(minutes > 59){
    minutes = minutes - 59;

BinaTime2.ino (28.4 KB)

Watch-v13.brd (60.6 KB)

Watch-v13.sch (164 KB)