how can i add more motors to work for the arduino


Heck, I find most things north and south of LA to be pretty great, just skip 100 miles on each side as a sort of quarantine, and California becomes a lot nicer place.... ...Los Angeles is...ummm...Hmm. Gommorrah? Okay maybe that's a LITTLE overboard, but you get the sense of my feelings about that fine metropolis. I'd miss Cali if it fell into the ocean, LA not so much.

For anyone having never been to California, focalist has summed up the situation as precisely as a well written Arduino sketch. California has amazing almost unlimited diversity and things you will not see anywhere else in the world (I love giant Redwood trees) but by no means should the lure of Disney Land or Universal studios sucker you into visiting LaLa land.


Northern California seems to be the saner end of Cali. California's basically nice if you avoid the southern end (though I do like the area around San Diego up thru Santa Barbara) and the middle valley area. I just wish the gun laws were more like Arizona's (well, except for the whole concealed carry into a bar - that's just a ticking time bomb, there).

The only real problem with California (if you discount the middle valley section) is how expensive it is to live there...
