I2C - DSPC01 Digital Compass Pressure Sensor Module

sry - wasnt at home to try it earlier.

but looks bad - commented out the "delays" in the loop, loaded the sketch with Vcc not connected to the sensor - restarted arduino and plugged in Vcc-Sensor - but no response on the SerialMontior

hm i just wonder i added in this loop

  while (res != 0) 
    Wire.write(0x70); // wake up
    res = Wire.endTransmission();

the last line so that it should print me again the NAK - but i only get one response - do i have a missunderstanding what the written line should do ?

hm would there be a solution with a simple loop which and trial which runs through all possible adresses and if there is a result - an aknowledge - i print it

and maybe an second while or whatever which runs through different delay times in principle like that:

int time_var  // start from 10ms ...1s
int adr_var // start from logic "good" adress to an end adress

for(;;time++)   while no correct answer  <- time varialbe loop
    for(;; adr ++)  while no correct answer <- adr. varialbe loop
         send and wait if response  like in your loop !=2  (an other value than NAK/2)
          if(correct response)  - JEAH ...do sth

or doesnt that have any use - because that i didnt get an asnwer in the 2 test programms you wrote
me includes those cases ?