Control RGB LED Strip with sharp distance sensor

okay sorry if i wasn't clear, i want them to both flash at the same rate, but alternate times, like the second one Red flash on/off then green flash on/off repeat etc.

ill give the second code a try thanks.

Also, a bit of wiring help here if you can do so. I have to groups of 4 LEDs wired in series, which the the two groups wired in parallel. in order to get them to work, do i have the positive end into say pin 13 and the negative into gnd?? and i am also guessing im gonna need transistor and such as the arduino wont be able to put out enough??

i can try and upload a picture if needed just ask.

oh and also, i am going on a school camp till the weekend so wont be checking till then, hence a late reply.

Thanks again Mike :slight_smile: