ConnectSSL problems?

I have a datalogger sketch that uploads to a Google sheet using this basic technique:

I've noticed that it sometimes fails to connect depending on the IP address that comes back for Some work fine, some get nothing.

With a static IP, it works everytime using 3 IP addresses. But half a dozen others (that also resolve from fail every time. But if I use hostByName, it works for a few cycles and then fails.

I'm wondering if there might be different SSL certificates some of the servers?

I uploaded the certificate via the Arduino IDE. Should I add the other IP addresses directly? Am I on the wrong track? Any other thoughts on this?

Running on a Mega2560 with an Adafruit ATWINC1500 WiFi.

// Libraries
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WifiLogin.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>

// Function Declarations
	void echoData(String s);
	String IpAddress2String(const IPAddress& ipAddress);
	bool sendData();
	bool ConnectWiFi();

#define baudRate 9600

// LED Alarm Pins
	#define faultAlarmPin 9  	// Red LED indicating fatal fault, or setup()
	#define wifiAlarmPin 10   	// Yellow LED functioning wifi connection
	#define dsAlarmPin 11   	// Green LED indicating successful data server update
	#define timeAlarmPin 12   	// Blue LED indicating time sync
	#define statusPin 13		// White LED Heartbeat indicator

	bool alarmStatus = false;
	bool firstRun = true;
	bool wifiStatus = false;
	const unsigned long logTimerDelay = 60000;   	// 1 minute delay for data logging functions
	unsigned long logTimerStart = 0;
	unsigned long sysTime;
	String logData;

// Google Data Script
	int dsIndex = 0;
	const int httpsPort = 443;
	const char* dsHostName = "";
	WiFiClient client;

void setup() {
	// Setup Alarm pins
	pinMode(faultAlarmPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(faultAlarmPin, HIGH); // Initial alarm to indicate setup()
	pinMode(wifiAlarmPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(wifiAlarmPin, LOW);
	pinMode(dsAlarmPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(dsAlarmPin, LOW);
	pinMode(timeAlarmPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(timeAlarmPin, LOW);

	// Setup SPI pins
	pinMode(46, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(48, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(49, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(50, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(51, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(52, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(53, OUTPUT);

	// Setup Status Light
	pinMode(statusPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(statusPin, LOW);
	alarmStatus = false;

	// Reserve SRAM memory for data string

	// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

	logData = F("\r\n-----------Starting Grow Tent Logger-----------"); echoData(logData);

	WiFi.setPins(46, 48, 49); //WiFi.setPins(42, 44, 46);
	wifiStatus = ConnectWiFi();

	// Clear alarm status
	alarmStatus = false;
	digitalWrite(faultAlarmPin, LOW);

	logData = F("-----------Begin Data Logging-----------"); echoData(logData);
} // End of setup()---------------------------------------------------------

void loop() {
	// Get time variables for current loop
	sysTime = now();
	unsigned long sysTime_millis = millis();

	// Begin data logging cycle
	if (sysTime_millis - logTimerStart >= logTimerDelay) {
		// Save the current cycle time
		logTimerStart = sysTime_millis;


		logData = F("-----------End of Cycle-----------"); echoData(logData);

	if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
		digitalWrite(wifiAlarmPin, HIGH);
		wifiStatus = ConnectWiFi();

	digitalWrite(statusPin, !digitalRead(statusPin)); // Toggle led as proof of life

} // End of loop()---------------------------------------------------------------------

// Simplify code by sending string to Serial and SD Card
void echoData(String s){
	if (Serial){


// Format IPAddress for more reliable printing
String IpAddress2String(const IPAddress& ip){
	return String(ip[0]) + String(".") +\
			String(ip[1]) + String(".") +\
			String(ip[2]) + String(".") +\
			String(ip[3])  ;

// Send data to Google Sheet via GET request to Sheet Script
bool sendData(){
	String GAS_ID = F("XXXXXX"); // New Google Script Service ID
	alarmStatus = false;
	int dsCount = 2;
	IPAddress IP;

	IPAddress dataServerIP[10] = {
			IPAddress(172,217,14,174),		//OK
			IPAddress(172,217,9,174),		//OK
			IPAddress(216,58,201,206),		//OK
//			IPAddress(216,58,217,206),		//fail
//			IPAddress(216,58,219,14),		//fail
//			IPAddress(216,58,193,206),		//fail
//			IPAddress(216,58,219,14),		//fail
//			IPAddress(216,58,219,14),		//fail
//			IPAddress(216,58,217,206),		//fail

/* ----------ConnectSSL via static IP works fine with some IP addresses----------
	if(!client.connectSSL(dataServerIP[dsIndex], httpsPort)){

// ----------But ConnectSSL via hostByName fails----------
	WiFi.hostByName(dsHostName, IP);
	if(!client.connectSSL(IP, httpsPort)){

/* ----------And ConnectSSL via HostName fails----------
	if(!client.connectSSL(dsHostName, httpsPort)){

		logData = F("Failed to connect to:"); logData += IpAddress2String(dataServerIP[dsIndex]);
		logData += F(" Client Status:"); logData += client.status();
		logData += F(", WiFi Status: "); logData += WiFi.status();
		logData += F(", DSIndex: "); logData += dsIndex; echoData(logData);
		echoData(F("Data Server connection failed."));

		if(dsIndex++ >= dsCount) dsIndex = 0; // Get the next data server IP address
		digitalWrite(dsAlarmPin, HIGH);
		return false;

	if(dsIndex++ >= dsCount) dsIndex = 0; // Get the next data server IP address
	logData = F("Script Server: "); logData += dsHostName;
	logData += F(" ("); logData += IpAddress2String(client.remoteIP());

	logData += F(")"); echoData(logData);
	String  url = F("B="); url += 0;
	url += F("&C="); url += 0;
	url += F("&D="); url += 0;
	url += F("&E="); url += 0;
	url += F("&F="); url += 0;
	url += F("&G="); url += 0;
	url += F("&H="); url += 0;
	url += F("&I="); url += firstRun;
	url += F("&J="); url += 0;
	url += F("&K="); url += 0;
	url += F("&L="); url += WiFi.RSSI();
	url += F("&M="); url += 0;

		logData = F("Sending Data: "); logData += url; echoData(logData);

	client.print(String("GET ") + "/macros/s/" + GAS_ID + "/exec?"
			+ url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + dsHostName + "\r\n"
			+ "User-Agent: ArduinoGTLogger1.0\r\n"
			+ "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

	logData = F("Data Sent; Closing Connection"); echoData(logData);

	if(firstRun == true) firstRun = false;
	alarmStatus = false;
	digitalWrite(dsAlarmPin, LOW);
	return true;

// Wifi Connect function to facilitate online reconnects
bool ConnectWiFi(){
	const char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;   // your network SSID (name)
	const char pass[] = SECRET_PASS;    // your network password

	if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
		logData = F("WiFi shield not present; WiFi not available"); echoData(logData);
		alarmStatus = true;
		digitalWrite(wifiAlarmPin, HIGH);
		return false;

	// Attempting to connect to WiFi network. Only attempt once so the rest of the sketch is not neglected
	if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
		logData = F("Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: "); logData += ssid; echoData(logData);
		WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network
		delay(5000); // wait 10 seconds for connection:

	// If you're connected now, print out the status:
	if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
		logData = F("SSID: "); logData += WiFi.SSID(); echoData(logData);
		logData = F("IP Address: "); logData += IpAddress2String(WiFi.localIP()); echoData(logData);
		logData = F("Signal Strength (RSSI): "); logData += WiFi.RSSI(); echoData(logData);

		alarmStatus = false;
		digitalWrite(wifiAlarmPin, LOW);
		return true;
	logData = F("WiFi could not connect; WiFi not available"); echoData(logData);
	alarmStatus = true;
	digitalWrite(wifiAlarmPin, HIGH);
	return false;

I may have confirmed this myself. I checked the 3 IP addresses that work on an SSL checker website...they all had the same serial number. 3 of the IP addresses that didn't work had a different IP address.

So now I just have to review the instructions and figure out how to get both certs uploaded?