[SOLVED] Adapting MenuBackend library to use strings in PROGMEM

Strangely enough I can not get this to work. I've already got a full menu setup using menubackend, and I also already have some data save into PROGMEM. Both are working no problem, but as soon as I try to move my menu label names to progmem I just get junk to both my LCD and Serial. I tried defining my name exactly as in the sample, but it appears I'm grabbing the wrong chunk of memory. I also tried defining the name using the arduino recommended prog_char data type (this is what I'm using for my other progmem data). Still no love, here's the pertinent code snippet that doesn't work, though the other menu stuff and other progmem data works. Is there something I'm missing?

should I be calling the progmem menu names using some special call like I do when I print my other variables. To print these labels I'm using the menu getfilename call, I've included it below. Finally, I know there are different versions of this menu floating around, so I wonder if we are on different ones. I'm using v1.4

prog_char paintDirOption0[] PROGMEM  = "L > R"; // this variable is printed correctly 
// prog_char mtext_imgSel[] PROGMEM = "imgSel"; //did not work

const char mtext_imgSel[] PROGMEM = "imgSel"; //also did not work

MenuBackend menu = MenuBackend(menuUseEvent,menuChangeEvent);
	//beneath is list of menu items needed to build the menu
	MenuItem imageSelect = MenuItem(mtext_imgSel);  // should be in progmem, but its junk.
	MenuItem fDelay = MenuItem("fDelay");
	MenuItem fRepeat = MenuItem("Repeat");
        MenuItem imgIncr = MenuItem("iIncr");

 Serial.print(menu.getCurrent().getName());  //how I print
      lcd.print(menu.getCurrent().getName()); // how I print, works for standard menu items