Program 4 sending commands to COM port

Hello. I need to learn how i can make my own small exe program with different buttons who sends different commands to my arduino through the COM port.

4 controlling relay's and stuff from computer.

Problem; I dont know where to read about this, or where i can get such a program.

Help? :slight_smile:

You mean a program on the PC side?

Search the forum for "web interface arduino" It's done before

Hi, Also look for "GoBetwino"

You mean a program on the PC side?
Search the forum for "web interface arduino" It's done before

I said through the COM PORT ... thnx anyway.

GoBetwino is just a simple app for sending commands, i can do that in cmd.
Thnx anyway.

What i want is to make a small .exe app. A little window with a menu system, where you can select stuff "on" or "off".

A very standard solution is a firmata. Just read about it on or try an example in arduino ide under examples->firmata. You will need processing to run the pc side software.

There are plenty of points relating to what you ask at...

I like Delphi for my Windows programming, but a free hobbyist copy is hard to find today... but worth the hunt!

Lazarus might be an answer.