
moving the tutorials into the playground is a good idea, but I think the playgorund needs some kind of cleanup too.
Navigating among the different sections on the right panel gets more confusing all the time.
Like there is the entry "Standalone 3.3v 8Mhz" in the Tutorial section. What does someone new to the arduino expect to read here?
The distinction between CodeLibrary and ConnectingHardware is also not very clear.
I wrote a libray for controling a LedMatrix. Does that belong into the hardware-section, or the library-section?
For a start I suggest to implement a more tree-like navigation, with only a few links like tutorial/hardware/IDE/etc.
which links into another index of a subsection.
There is actually no need to have a direct link to the LedMatrix-Lib from the main page like it is now.

Another suggestion would be a playground-section in the forums.
There are sometimes articles I would like to comment on or discuss with others. (Actually there are some articles I would like to see beeing deleted, because there is no content at all):
Maybe this "playground-forum" would encourage people to ask questions, request changes etc. in a easy manner.
