VGA output

I'm working on some code based off stimmer's modified code (320x240x8), but it seems that the Serial communication no longer works after setting up the timers.

In the setup() method, I started the Serial at 9600, and then did println() thoughout the setup() method, and found this block of code causes it to stop working.

What is it about this code that disables the serial output?

  REG_PIOD_OWER= 0xff;
  REG_PMC_PCER0= 1<<27;  
  REG_PIOB_PDR = 1<<25; 
  REG_PIOB_ABSR= 1<<25; 
  REG_TC0_WPMR = 0x54494D00; 
  REG_TC0_CMR0 = 0b00000000000010011100010000000000;
  //  REG_TC0_CMR0 = 0b00000000000001101100010000000000; // this inverts hsync
  REG_TC0_RC0  = 1334; 
  REG_TC0_RA0  = 1174;  
  REG_TC0_CCR0 = 0b101;    
  REG_TC0_IER0 = 0b00010000; 
  REG_TC0_IDR0 = 0b11101111; 

Is there anything we can do to have this still work and have serial communication available?


I did some further debug and found that it works all the way up to the point of calling: