Alinear Tft 2,8"touch

Hola he leido que he de utilizar estos parametros para alinear la TFt i he encontrado lo escrito debajo, pero no se como ponerlos en mi programa alguien me puede ayudar? gracias por avanzado.
Atentamente Albert Boix''_TFT_Touch_Shield

How to calibrate the touch screen ?

The parameters TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, TS_MINY and TS_MAXY actually decides the extreme ends of the touch screen and actually forms the calibration parameters.
The values assigned to these variables are measured ADC values (i.e Raw X, Raw Y) when we touch the extreme diagonal ends of touch screen.
Touch points (0,0) and (239,319) and note down Raw X and Raw Y values. For better accuracy, try out many times and find the right value.
TS_MINX corresponds to ADC value when X = 0 ;
TS_MINY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 0 ;
TS_MAXX corresponds to ADC value when X = 240 -1 i.e 239 ;
TS_MAXY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 320 -1 i.e 319 ;
Change these parameters in the sketch, recompile and upload to Arduino.
Repeat the above steps if you still do not get accurate values
(TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, TS_MINY and TS_MAXY) should be tested.Then open the paint demo,You can use the new tested data to replace the old data (#define TS_MINX 140, #define TS_MAXX 900,#define TS_MINY 120,#define TS_MAXY 940).After that,you have calibrated the touch screen