MPU6050 Gyroscope calculation

I have got some data from the device.
The data are as follow:

InvenSense MPU-6050
June 2012
WHO_AM_I : 68, error = 0
PWR_MGMT_2 : 0, error = 0

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1944, 368, 15608
temperature: 30.576 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -34, -204, -247,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1952, 364, 15304
temperature: 30.435 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -38, -216, -274,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1864, 388, 15356
temperature: 30.482 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -34, -233, -278,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1888, 324, 15260
temperature: 30.576 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -14, -220, -261,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1904, 392, 15316
temperature: 30.624 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -34, -241, -238,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1856, 308, 15604
temperature: 30.435 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -33, -252, -235,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1892, 444, 15528
temperature: 30.624 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : 20, -236, -251,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1924, 356, 15520
temperature: 30.576 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -19, -224, -251,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 1844, 280, 15732
temperature: 30.529 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -1, -240, -249,

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 2004, 372, 15396
temperature: 30.671 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : -20, -252, -255