[Solved] Bluetooth HC-05 Won't Get Paired To Android

Are you saying you have one way signal Arduino to Android? If so, the baud rate and pairing are OK, and it is fair to assume there is nothing wrong with the module.

If you press send on android you should be sure it does send. I don't know about LogCat

Have you tried the code I posted?

If you are using the hardware serial D0,D1. You can prove the code is OK by using serial monitor, bluetooth disconnected, then disconnect USB and try with bluetooth connected.

yeah. it's one way communication, seems like my HC-05 is on slave mode by default, is that possible?
because, i've try to send from blueterm on Android n there's no data received by serial on computer. I'm sure that the sent from my android but I'm not sure that there's data comes out from my bluetooth module.

how do I change this slave mode from HC-05 into master? any recommended link?

even when this module on a slave mode, it should return the AT command, no?
but why is there no response at all? (I'm already on AT mode where I pulled high the KEY pin first)

oh, your code worked fine as i mention earlier, but when i tried to send from android, no result