Arduino Controller android app

I received a question in my mail, but i prefer to give support in this forum.


Thanks for making the app I just have one quick question. I was looking at your example sketch ( and I am confused as to where you are sending an html line back to the app? Can you please point me to the line of code where you send the simple html line that you can view in the browser on the phone?

Thanks, W

Hi W,
Just above setup are the html lines that are send to the android aplication;

char content_main_top[] = "<body bgcolor=black><font color=white><center>";
char S1[] = "1 is on" ;
char S2[] = "1 is off" ;
char S3[] = "2 is on";
char S4[] = "2 is off";
char S5[] = "up";
char S6[] = "down";
char S404[] = "Not Found";

The first line sets background black, text white and allignment centered. The last line is the defaul one so when there is no command recognized.
The rest of the lines can be customised.

They are send in the following code;

if (x == 1) 
  {client.print (content_main_top);

You don´t need to use the static references, you can do the following as well;

if (x == 1) 
  {client.print (content_main_top);
client.print(" Software version: ");
    client.print("Free Ram: ");
    client.print(" System time: ");

I hope you get it working! Else, please let me know.