Error function Arduino nano


Arrch: sprintf() does not work very well, for example, sprintf( Result," %02u %02u %02 ",A,B,C) or
sprintf( Result," %d %d %d ",A,B,C) , does not work well.

Good to see it's working, but sprintf() works just fine when you use it correctly.

PaulS, Arrrch ...

sprintf( Result," %02u", A )

Since A a long value works fine for me, this padded with leading zero if the value is less than 10)

I understand that the code is not optimal, but is the result of looking again and again and again the solution of the problem, it did not and still do not know that the bug with Strings ().
Years ago I program in Visual Basic, but C is new to me
I will learn more about sprintf() ( for me Visual basic is more, more simple. Ex: Result=Format( A ,"00") )
I will learn more C.

Thanks for your help.