Adding some things in the language and the website


Did you know what the ++ and the -- incrementation and decrementation operators are ? they are very useful . XD

Why can't there be a ** operator to multiply a number by itself an a // operator (not || !) to do the square root of the number ?

an other thing : can you put back the explanations (not only the examples !) for the libraries, in french (and other languages too !) because it was very helpful.


Taz (sorry for my bad english i'm a french guy 8))

PS : i have forgotten somthing :roll_eyes: can you add a setting (a checkbox ?) where you can choose between opening (new) projects in a new tab or in a new window.

PPS : Can you add line numbers (as other people said) and a syntax highlighting too ?

Why can't there be a ** operator to multiply a number by itself an a // operator (not || !) to do the square root of the number ?

Take these up with the C++ language standards people, not the Arduino team.

I know but i dont know how to contact them :confused:

Arduino team can add some thing :grin: to the C++ language (e.g. the LOW and HIGH status, the different functions (pinMode(), analogRead(), ...) )