Arduino buzz wire game

What you have to do is to add the commands you want in what I sent you:-

set arduinoPort to "/dev/cu.usbmodem1d11"
-- this opens the port and resets the arduino
set arduino to serialport open arduinoPort bps rate 9600 data bits 8 parity 0 stop bits 1 handshake 0
if arduino is equal to -1 then
	display dialog " could not open port "
	repeat -- repeat forever
		-- wait until something is sent
		set bytesIn to 0
		repeat until bytesIn is not equal to 0
			set bytesIn to serialport bytes available arduino
		end repeat
		set cmd to serialport read arduino for 1
		set cmds to cmd as string
		-- display dialog "Command recieved = " & cmds
		if cmds is equal to "1" then
			display dialog "Command 1 recieved"
		end if
		if cmds is equal to "2" then
			display dialog "Command to quit recieved"
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat -- of the forever repeat
	-- note this next bit will reset the arduino
	serialport close arduino
end if

So instead of having
display dialog "Command 1 received"
You put what you want to so when you get an ASCII 1 from the arduino. You might want to put:-

tell application "iTunes"
      tell (track 1 of playlist "normal") to play

end tell

in place of this line. Also you add other commands, depending on what you want to do:-

if cmds is equal to "A" then
			display dialog "Command A received"
		end if

This will respond if the arduino sends an ASCII 'A'