MLX90620 / MLX90621 - 16X4 pixel IR thermal array

Hi all,

I'm not sure who still maintains interest in this, but for a research project I am using the MLX90260 in conjunction with an Arduino, and have rewritten the code herein to use the Wire library (as I couldn't find the right version of i2cmaster) as well as to be more readable.

My code computes all the necessary values, and outputs both the computed temperatures as well as the raw values over serial.

I'm using a Diecimila, which only has 1KB SRAM, meaning I don't actually have the space for a lot of the arrays, so there is a #define MORE_MEMORY present, which when disabled computes values on the fly to save memory (but slow down the refresh rate), but when enabled will use more arrays and thus more memory.

You can find the most up to date version of the code on Github.

I'll be continuously updating it, but as of writing the code looked like this.

Looking forward to hearing peoples thoughts.
