which is best Wifi shield for arduino?

Request Standby Mode is in section 4.12.2 in the Gainspan Module manual. It says:

The parameters are:
x is the Standby time in milliseconds. If a delay time (see below) is provided, the Standby count
begins after the delay time has expired.
DELAY TIME is the delay in milliseconds from the time the command is issued to the time when
the SOC goes to Standby.
ALARM1 POL is the polarity of the transition at pin 31 of the SOC which will trigger an alarm
input and waken the GainSpan SOC from Standby. A value of 0 specifies a high-to-low
transition as active; a value of 1 specifies low-to-high.
ALARM2 POL is the polarity of the transition at pin 36 that triggers an alarm input, using the
same convention used for Alarm1.
The parameters DELAY TIME, ALARM1 POL, and ALARM2 POL are optional. Specifying an alarm
polarity also enables the corresponding alarm input.

We don't have an example up of how to go into Standby. However, it is in this documentation here: http://www.dexterindustries.com/files/DI-WIFI_Sensor.pdf