Servo library for the due... does exist?

The "Servo" folder is located both in the "C:\Users\Lori\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Servo" and the "C:\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo". And the errors I got are not "File not found exceptions" or similar...

I've also tried removing the library from "C:\Users\Lori\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Servo" and just leaving the "C:\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo" and I'm still getting the same errors...

I guess we both are talking about the "Arduino Due"... , I have added the following files:

  • E:\Work\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo\Servo.h
  • E:\Work\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo\Servo.cpp
  • E:\Work\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo\keywords.txt
  • E:\Work\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo\examples\Knob\Knob.ino
  • E:\Work\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\sam\libraries\Servo\examples\Sweep\Sweep.ino

Now, from the error messages, it seems that the #ifndef Servo_h in line 45 is giving the hint. Do you have another Servo_h #define in some other place?.

On the Arduino IDE, did you select the correct board, otherwise you will be taking the avr files. (...\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Servo)

Just want to help.. I'm also new here, but for me the new files worked as required...

Have a nice day.