Crash coarse on pointers and references


But pointers knowledge is THE MOST IMPORTANT of C. I'm appalled at this strange combo of vast programming knowledge you possess and the absence of pointers. Of course, you only learned what you needed for your degree, which may not involve using pointers. I learned C and other languages on my own (reading books in the 80s and 90s) too, before college but my college course had C so I did go through pointers in a formal class. If you want to learn and master it, you need to get the intro to C or something and patch up this hole. Assembly was good. At least you don't have to teach yourself about memory structure like others do.

I'm not trying to make you look bad or novice. I know nothing about your background till now. All I was doing was pointing out a good intro book. To anyone that knows nothing about pointers or else, I find reading a book is a thousand times better than reading off bits and bytes off the net. You don't get that systematic teaching and exercises as a book would give you and Schildt is my favorite author. What's rush to whiplash on a good recommendation? I'm not interested in arguing with you either on your thread or with PMs. You don't like it, just ignore then.