Selfmade Tilt compensated Compass Pitch, Roll, Yaw

This was designed for the use as a Head Tracker. But I assume that there are many other useful things out there for a tilt compensated compass ? or Pitch, Roll, or Yaw tracking.

By the way. Std. deviation for Pitch and Roll is about 1 degree.
Yaw: I haven't checked yet. But a Pitch or Roll of 60 degrees gets compensated fairly good.
I assume an accuracy of 2 degrees. But I have to check.

The biggest problem is I believe the inaccuracy of the many sin, cos . etc.
Maybe somebody has an idea?!

For this project you need a 3 DOF Accelerometer and a 3 DOF magnetic Sensor


Code by Arne
Code is somewhat documented?

//code by Arne
//the acclerometer it set up the way that the z acceleration looks
//to the sky, and x y is flat --> like most cartesian coordinate systems
//I use an A7270 as an Accelerometer -> they are on a breakout board for approx $20 USD
//and a HMC5843 as a triple axis magnetic Sensor $50 USD
//feel free to comment on the code -> improvement is always appreciated
//you can ask questions in English or German

//required for calculations
#include <math.h>
//required for HMC5843 communication
#include <HMC.h>

//accelerometer connecteded to pins 0 through 2
#define xAxis 0 
#define yAxis 1
#define zAxis 2

//by increasing alphaAccel the response will become faster
//but the noise will increae [alpha must be between 0 and 1]
//values for digital lowpass
float alphaAccel = 0.4;
float alphaMagnet = 0.4;

unsigned int xOffset=0;
unsigned int yOffset=0;
unsigned int zOffset=0;

float Pitch=0;
float Roll=0;
float Yaw=0;

int xRaw=0;
int yRaw=0;
int zRaw=0;

float xFiltered=0;
float yFiltered=0;
float zFiltered=0;

float xFilteredOld=0;
float yFilteredOld=0;
float zFilteredOld=0;

float xAccel=0;
float yAccel=0;
float zAccel=0;

int xMagnetRaw=0;
int yMagnetRaw=0;
int zMagnetRaw=0;

float xMagnetFiltered=0;
float yMagnetFiltered=0;
float zMagnetFiltered=0;

float xMagnetFilteredOld=0;
float yMagnetFilteredOld=0;
float zMagnetFilteredOld=0;

int xMagnetMax=0;
int yMagnetMax=0;
int zMagnetMax=0;

int xMagnetMin=10000;
int yMagnetMin=10000;
int zMagnetMin=10000;

float xMagnetMap=0;
float yMagnetMap=0;
float zMagnetMap=0;

float YawU;

//initialize µController
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);       //initialize serial port
  analogReference(EXTERNAL);  //use external reference voltage (3,3V)
  delay(2000);  //calibrate sensor after a short delay
  getAccelOffset();           //keep it flat and non moving on the table
  //there are other ways to calibrate the offset, each has some advantes
  //and disadvantes..
  //compare application note AN3447

void FilterAD()
  // read from AD and subtract the offset
  //Digital Low Pass - compare: (for accelerometer)
  xFiltered= xFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (xRaw - xFilteredOld);
  yFiltered= yFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (yRaw - yFilteredOld);
  zFiltered= zFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (zRaw - zFilteredOld);
  xFilteredOld = xFiltered;
  yFilteredOld = yFiltered;
  zFilteredOld = zFiltered;
  //read from Compass
  //Digital Low Pass for Noise Reduction for Magnetic Sensor
  xMagnetFiltered= xMagnetFilteredOld + alphaMagnet * (xMagnetRaw - xMagnetFilteredOld);
  yMagnetFiltered= yMagnetFilteredOld + alphaMagnet * (yMagnetRaw - yMagnetFilteredOld);
  zMagnetFiltered= zMagnetFilteredOld + alphaMagnet * (zMagnetRaw - zMagnetFilteredOld);
  xMagnetFilteredOld = xMagnetFiltered;
  yMagnetFilteredOld = yMagnetFiltered;
  zMagnetFilteredOld = zMagnetFiltered;

void AD2Degree()
  // 3.3 = Vref; 1023 = 10Bit AD; 0.8 = Sensivity Accelerometer
  // (compare datasheet of your accelerometer)
  // the *Accel must be between -1 and 1; you may have to
  // to add/subtract +1 depending on the orientation of the accelerometer
  // (like me on the zAccel)
  // they are not necessary, but are useful for debugging
  xAccel=xFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8);       
  yAccel=yFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8);       
  zAccel=zFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8)+1.0;
  // Calculate Pitch and Roll (compare Application Note AN3461 from Freescale
  // Microsoft Excel switches the values for atan2
  // -> this info can make your life easier :-D
  //angled are radian, for degree (* 180/3.14159)
  Roll   = atan2(  yAccel ,  sqrt(sq(xAccel)+sq(zAccel)));  
  Pitch  = atan2(  xAccel ,   sqrt(sq(yAccel)+sq(zAccel)));

void getAzimuth()
  //this part is required to normalize the magnetic vector
  if (xMagnetFiltered>xMagnetMax) {xMagnetMax = xMagnetFiltered;}
  if (yMagnetFiltered>yMagnetMax) {yMagnetMax = yMagnetFiltered;}
  if (zMagnetFiltered>zMagnetMax) {zMagnetMax = zMagnetFiltered;}
  if (xMagnetFiltered<xMagnetMin) {xMagnetMin = xMagnetFiltered;}
  if (yMagnetFiltered<yMagnetMin) {yMagnetMin = yMagnetFiltered;}
  if (zMagnetFiltered<zMagnetMin) {zMagnetMin = zMagnetFiltered;}
  float norm;
  xMagnetMap = float(map(xMagnetFiltered, xMagnetMin, xMagnetMax, -10000, 10000))/10000.0;
  yMagnetMap = float(map(yMagnetFiltered, yMagnetMin, yMagnetMax, -10000, 10000))/10000.0;
  zMagnetMap = float(map(zMagnetFiltered, zMagnetMin, zMagnetMax, -10000, 10000))/10000.0;
 //normalize the magnetic vector
 norm= sqrt( sq(xMagnetMap) + sq(yMagnetMap) + sq(zMagnetMap));
 xMagnetMap /=norm;
 yMagnetMap /=norm;
 zMagnetMap /=norm;
 //compare Applications of Magnetic Sensors for Low Cost Compass Systems by Michael J. Caruso
 //for the compensated Yaw equations...
 Yaw=atan2( (-yMagnetMap*cos(Roll) + zMagnetMap*sin(Roll) ) , xMagnetMap*cos(Pitch) + zMagnetMap*sin(Pitch)*sin(Roll)+ zMagnetMap*sin(Pitch)*cos(Roll)) *180/PI;
 YawU=atan2(-yMagnetMap, xMagnetMap) *180/PI;

void loop()

void Send2Com()
  Serial.print("Pitch: ");
  Serial.print(" Roll: ");

  Serial.print(" Yaw: ");

  Serial.print(" YawU: ");

void getAccelOffset()
{ //you can make approx 60 iterations because we use an unsigned int 
  //otherwise you get an overflow. But 60 iterations should be fine
   for (int i=1; i <= 60; i++){        
     xOffset += analogRead(xAxis);     
     yOffset += analogRead(yAxis);
     zOffset += analogRead(zAxis);
   xOffset /=60;   
   yOffset /=60;
   zOffset /=60;
   Serial.print("xOffset: ");
   Serial.print("   yOffset: ");
   Serial.print("   zOffset: ");

Cool, how much was the magnetometer sensor and where did you get it?

about 50 USD from sparkfun,

there might be the possibility to just use a 2 DOF magnetic sensor. Since the normalized vector of a magnetic field should equal one.

then one could reduce the cost of the tracker a lot.
but I have not figured out yet how to do it :D.

do you need a magnetometer to get the yaw value.

I just got this:

is it possible to adapt your code to this?



It this the right web side for download HMC.h library

I just try to make this sensor work, this is the video, please look and tell me if it is working or not!!!


I try to use the HMC Sensor with my board.
The library HMC.h work fine but the sensor don't reply to my request with correct value . What Kind of hardware are using ? Are you a complete schematics of connection ? Are you using single or dual power supply ?
What is the normal range of value , I recived data between -13 and + 14 for every axisys .. random ... What'is the problem ?


i reworked the code a little bit. For example I do not filter the magnetic data anymore (that actually increased the noise instead of decreasing it..)

furthermore I don't make use of the HMC library..

the hmc is just connected to analog 4 & 5 + ground + 3.3 volt. thats it..

//code by Arne
//the acclerometer it set up the way that the z acceleration looks
//to the sky, and x y is flat --> like most cartesian coordinate systems
//I use an A7270 as an Accelerometer -> they are on a breakout board for approx $20
//and a HMC5843 as a triple axis magnetic Sensor for approx $50
//feel free to comment on the code -> improvement is always appreciated
//code to read from HMC5843 was influenced by the gus from sf9domahrs
//you can ask questions in English or German

//required for calculations
#include <math.h>
//required for HMC5843 communication
#include <Wire.h>

#include <Servo.h> 

//accelerometer connecteded to pins 0 through 2
#define xAxis 0 
#define yAxis 1
#define zAxis 2

//by increasing alphaAccel the response will become faster
//but the noise will increae [alpha must be between 0 and 1]
//values for digital lowpass
//(filtering the Mag. Data does not improve the Noise Level!!)
float alphaAccel = 0.35;
float alphaYaw = 0.35;

unsigned int xOffset=0;
unsigned int yOffset=0;
unsigned int zOffset=0;

float Pitch=0;
float Roll=0;
float Yaw=0;

int xRaw=0;
int yRaw=0;
int zRaw=0;

float xFiltered=0;
float yFiltered=0;
float zFiltered=0;

float xFilteredOld=0;
float yFilteredOld=0;
float zFilteredOld=0;

float xAccel=0;
float yAccel=0;
float zAccel=0;

int xMagnet=0;
int yMagnet=0;
int zMagnet=0;

float norm;

float yawRaw=0;
float yawFiltered=0;
float yawFilteredOld=0;

//X:-770 612 Y:-664 697 Z:-592 656
//after measurements
int xMagnetMax=612;
int yMagnetMax=697;
int zMagnetMax=656;

int xMagnetMin=-770;
int yMagnetMin=-664;
int zMagnetMin=-592;

float xMagnetMap=0;
float yMagnetMap=0;
float zMagnetMap=0;

float YawU;

Servo ServoPitch;
  Servo ServoYaw;

int CompassAddress = 0x1E;  //0x3C //0x3D;  //(0x42>>1);

//initialize µController
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);       //initialize serial port
  analogReference(EXTERNAL);  //use external reference voltage (3,3V)
  delay(2000);  //calibrate sensor after a short delay
  HMC_Init();  //initializes Mag Compass
  getAccelOffset();           //keep it flat and non moving on the table
  //there are other ways to calibrate the offset, each has some advantes
  //and disadvantes..
  //compare application note AN3447

void loop()

void HMC_Init()
  Wire.send(0x00);         //Set to continous streaming mode
  delay(5);                //HMC5843 needs some ms before communication

void FilterAD()
  // read from AD and subtract the offset
  //Digital Low Pass - compare: (for accelerometer)
  xFiltered= xFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (xRaw - xFilteredOld);
  yFiltered= yFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (yRaw - yFilteredOld);
  zFiltered= zFilteredOld + alphaAccel * (zRaw - zFilteredOld);
  xFilteredOld = xFiltered;
  yFilteredOld = yFiltered;
  zFilteredOld = zFiltered;

void AD2Degree()
  // 3.3 = Vref; 1023 = 10Bit AD; 0.8 = Sensivity Accelerometer
  // (compare datasheet of your accelerometer)
  // the *Accel must be between -1 and 1; you may have to
  // to add/subtract +1 depending on the orientation of the accelerometer
  // (like me on the zAccel)
  // they are not necessary, but are useful for debugging
  xAccel=xFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8);       
  yAccel=yFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8);       
  zAccel=zFiltered *3.3 / (1023.0*0.8)+1.0;
  // Calculate Pitch and Roll (compare Application Note AN3461 from Freescale
  // Microsoft Excel switches the values for atan2
  // -> this info can make your life easier :-D
  //angled are radian, for degree (* 180/3.14159)
  Roll   = -atan2(  yAccel ,  sqrt(sq(xAccel)+sq(zAccel)));  
  Pitch  = atan2(  xAccel ,  sqrt(sq(yAccel)+sq(zAccel)));

void getAzimuth()
  //this part is required to normalize the magnetic vector
  //get Min and Max Reading for Magnetic Axis
  if (xMagnet>xMagnetMax) {xMagnetMax = xMagnet;}
  if (yMagnet>yMagnetMax) {yMagnetMax = yMagnet;}
  if (zMagnet>zMagnetMax) {zMagnetMax = zMagnet;}
  if (xMagnet<xMagnetMin) {xMagnetMin = xMagnet;}
  if (yMagnet<yMagnetMin) {yMagnetMin = yMagnet;}
  if (zMagnet<zMagnetMin) {zMagnetMin = zMagnet;}
  //Map the incoming Data from -1 to 1
  xMagnetMap = float(map(xMagnet, xMagnetMin, xMagnetMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;
  yMagnetMap = float(map(yMagnet, yMagnetMin, yMagnetMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;
  zMagnetMap = float(map(zMagnet, zMagnetMin, zMagnetMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;
 //normalize the magnetic vector
 norm= sqrt( sq(xMagnetMap) + sq(yMagnetMap) + sq(zMagnetMap));
 xMagnetMap /=norm;
 yMagnetMap /=norm;
 zMagnetMap /=norm;
 //compare "Applications of Magnetic Sensors for Low Cost Compass Systems" by Michael J. Caruso
 //for the compensated Yaw equations...
 yawRaw=atan2( (-yMagnetMap*cos(Roll) + zMagnetMap*sin(Roll) ) , (xMagnetMap*cos(Pitch) + yMagnetMap*sin(Pitch)*sin(Roll)+ zMagnetMap*sin(Pitch)*cos(Roll)) ) *180/PI;
 YawU=atan2(-yMagnetMap, xMagnetMap) *180/PI;
 //apply Low Pass to Yaw
 //Digital Low Pass - compare: (for accelerometer)
  Yaw= yawFilteredOld + alphaYaw * (yawRaw - yawFilteredOld);

void getMagnet()
  int i = 0;
  byte buff[6];
  Wire.send(0x03);        //sends address to read from
  Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
  Wire.requestFrom(CompassAddress, 6);    // request 6 bytes from device
  while(Wire.available())   // ((Wire.available())&&(i<6))
    buff[i] = Wire.receive();  // receive one byte
  Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
  if (i==6)  // All bytes received?
    // MSB byte first, then LSB, X,Y,Z
    xMagnet = ((((int)buff[2]) << 8) | buff[3]);    // X axis (internal sensor y axis)
    yMagnet = ((((int)buff[0]) << 8) | buff[1]);    // Y axis (internal sensor x axis)
    zMagnet = ((((int)buff[4]) << 8) | buff[5]);    // Z axis
   Serial.println("!ERR: Mag data");

void Send2Com()
  Serial.print("Pitch: ");
  Serial.print(" Roll: ");

  Serial.print(" Yaw: ");
  Serial.print(" YawU: ");
  Serial.print(" MagnetX: ");
  Serial.print(" MagnetY: ");
  Serial.print(" MagnetZ: ");
  Serial.print(" X:");
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" Y:");
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" Z:");
  Serial.print(" ");

void getAccelOffset()
{ //you can make approx 60 iterations because we use an unsigned int 
  //otherwise you get an overflow. But 60 iterations should be fine
   for (int i=1; i <= 60; i++){        
     xOffset += analogRead(xAxis);     
     yOffset += analogRead(yAxis);
     zOffset += analogRead(zAxis);
   xOffset /=60;   
   yOffset /=60;
   zOffset /=60;
   Serial.print("xOffset: ");
   Serial.print("   yOffset: ");
   Serial.print("   zOffset: ");


I just work on this sensor with my arduino 328, ArthurSpooner :o please upload a video to youtube so we can see what you did :sunglasses:


Made some changes to the HMC lib.

Ok after getting this little HMC stamp, and after adding a cap otherwise it didn't work properly, i modified/extended the HMC lib to get it easy going.
The output values of the HMC need to be scaled, as the documentation describes, the new calibrate function does just that. The output values are scaled after calibration but still just a vector so for yaw pitch and stuff you need some calculations.


I've been trying to get this code to work for the last week, with the sparkfun magnetometer mentioned and a wii nunchuk. I can't for the life of me get it working. The closest I've come is getting compensation in one direction, but even then it was a variation of around 10 degrees. I'm using the WiiChuck class to get roll and pitch degrees and converting them to radians for use in the rest of the class. Thanks for any help.

Don't forget you're just getting a vector, not x-y-z rotation.

very nice

The HMC5843 delivers 3 values. X, Y, Z. How can I calculate, with this 3 values, the direction in degrees ? Like the value of a normal compass !

Just use the atan2(Y-Axis Value , X-Axis Value)
Multiply the result by 180/M_PI for >=0 and by -180/M_PI for <=0


What do you think about this solution ?

#include <hmc.h>

void setup()
  double x, y, z, degree;

void loop()
  delay(1000); // There will be new values every 100ms
  //x = -298;
  //y = 143;
  degree = ((-180) * atan(y/x))/ 3,14159265;
  if ((x > 0) and (y > 0)) degree = degree + 0;   / 1. Quadrant
  if ((x < 0) and (y > 0)) degree = degree + 180; / 2. Quadrant
  if ((x < 0) and (y < 0)) degree = degree + 180; / 3. Quadrant
  if ((x > 0) and (y < 0)) degree = 360 + degree; / 4. Quadrant
  if ((x > 0) and (y == 0)) degree = 0;
  if ((x == 0) and (y > 0)) degree = 90;
  if ((x < 0) and ((y == 0) degree = 180;
  if ((x == 0) and (y < 0)) degree = 270;
  Serial.print(" :<-degree");
  Serial.print(" y:");
  Serial.print(" z:");

I think you can calculate the heading by using just the function atan() but from what I have read atan2() is easier to use. You do not have to make any exceptions. But maybe I am wrong!
My float values for atan2(fy,fx) from north - east - south are all >=0 and from south - west - north <=0

if ((atan2(fy,fx))>=0) 
    Serial.println((atan2(fy,fx))*180/M_PI); // 
  if ((atan2(fy,fx))<=0) 
    Serial.println(360-((atan2(fy,fx))*((-180/M_PI)))); // 

This only works if the sensor is somewhat close to horizontal (maybe even depending on where you're at), otherwise you need to do more calculations. There was a link somewhere in the docs or something, can't find it now. If you need it, let us know.

Atan2 is indeed easier and faster, it doesn't check for overflows and stuff.

I think it's good to have the additional information, for the future !

This is the doc i was referring to:

In the previous listed code the z vector-component wasn't taken in account so in normal writing you'd need:

Xh = Xcos(f) + Ysin(q)sin(f) - Zcos(q)sin(f)
Yh = Y
cos(q) + Z*sin(q)


Heading for (Xh <0) = 180 - arcTan(Yh/Xh)
for (Xh >0, Yh <0) = - arcTan(Yh/Xh)
for (Xh >0, Yh >0) = 360 - arcTan(Yh/Xh)
for (Xh =0, Yh <0) = 90
for (Xh =0, Yh >0) = 270

This is almost like combining both codes listed :slight_smile: