LCD_screen Library Suite


I bought a more powerful Arduino-like board with a 80 MHz controller: the chipKIT UNO32.

Porting my Serial_LCD.h library for the from Arduino to the chipKIT UNO32 wasn't a major task, provided some precautions:

  • Coping with implicit types as int, which don't mean the same on a 8-bit environment and a 32-bit one: all variables require explicit types.
  • Adding full support to the chipKIT UNO32 hardware second serial port, without loosing the software emulated serial port.
  • Making the main Serial_LCD.h library immune from hardware / software serial port: I added an abstraction layer.
  • Trying to understand why an #if #include statement doesn't work.
  • Dealing with over-speed, a 80 MHz board working with a 12 MHz display.

Enjoy :wink:

CAUTION The latest NewSoftSerial release 11 is required for the abstraction layer. Although the library is now named SoftwareSerial, rename it to NewSoftSerial.

See NewSoftSerial 11 (beta) | Arduiniana