SoftwareSerial for Arduino Due

Doesn't this belong in the DUE section?

You are right, this is my first post and I posted it in the wrong place, sorry :frowning:
Is it possible to move it to the DUE section?

I don't think there are any problems using the Due with SoftSerial

The Software serial library is not present in the DUE tree. I tried to copy it to the libray folder but it won't compile (it links avr libs). And the reason was obvius once I looked inside: SoftwareSerial is tuned only for 8,16,20 MHZ (DUE is 84 MHz) and makes some use of inline assembly . Moreover DUE has (I think) a different approach to change interrupts.
But I could be wrong, I have been using the 1.5.1 IDE only for two days.