ATMEL Mega1284P evaluation board avalible

Putting an error in pins_duino1284.cxx did indeed cause an error, so the file would seem to be seen.

You know, Think I just noticed something that might help.
In pins_duino1284.cxx, there are 6 arrays.
I didn't change the first 3, just the second 3.
I just noticed that the pin assignments seem to follow the first 3 arrays, and not the last 3.

Am gonna play with those next:

#define PA 1
#define PB 2
#define PC 3
#define PD 4

// these arrays map port names (e.g. port B) to the
// appropriate addresses for various functions (e.g. reading
// and writing)
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] =

now to mess with the order of these, since the Digital Pin assignment are going:
PortA: 0-7
PortB: 8-15
PortC: 16-23
PortD: 24-31


const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] =

const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] =

const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] =
	PD, /* 0  PD0 */
	PD, /* 1  PD1 */
	PD, /* 2  PD2  */
	PD, /* 3  PD3  */
	PB, /* 4  PB0  */
	PB, /* 5  PB1  */
	PB, /* 6  PB2  */
	PB, /* 7  PB3  */

	PD, /* 8  PD5  */
	PD, /* 9  PD6  */
	PB, /* 10 PB4  */
	PB, /* 11 PB5  */
	PB, /* 12 PB6  */
	PB, /* 13 PB7  */
	PA, /* 14 PA0  */
	PA, /* 15 PA1  */

	PA, /* 16 PA2  */
	PA, /* 17 PA3  */
	PA, /* 18 PA4  */
	PA, /* 19 PA5  */
	PA, /* 20 PA6  */
	PA, /* 21 PA7  */
   	PC, /* 22 PC0  */
	PC, /* 23 PC1  */

	PC, /* 24 PC2  */
	PC, /* 25 PC3  */
	PC, /* 26 PC4  */
	PC, /* 27 PC5  */
	PC, /* 28 PC6  */
	PC, /* 29 PC7  */
	PD, /* 30 PD4  */
	PD  /* 31 PD7  */

const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] =
	_BV(0), /*D0: 0, port D */
	_BV(1), /*D1: 1, port D */
	_BV(2), /*D2: 2, port D */
	_BV(3), /*D3: 3, port D */
	_BV(0), /*D4: 0, port B */
	_BV(1), /*D5: 1, port B */
	_BV(2), /*D6: 2, port B */
	_BV(3), /*D7: 3, port B */

	_BV(5), /*D8: 5, port D */
	_BV(6), /*D9: 6, port D */
	_BV(4), /*D10: 4, port B */
	_BV(5), /*D11: 5, port B */
	_BV(6), /*D12: 6, port B */
	_BV(7), /*D13: 7, port B */
	_BV(0), /*D14: 0, port A */
	_BV(1), /*D15: 1, port A */

	_BV(2), /*D16, 2, port A */
	_BV(3), /*D17: 3, port A */
	_BV(4), /*D18: 4, port A */
	_BV(5), /*D19: 5, port A */
	_BV(6), /*D20: 6, port A */
	_BV(7), /*D21: 7, port A */
	_BV(0), /*D22: 0, port C */
	_BV(1), /*D23: 1, port C */

	_BV(2), /*D24, 2, port C */
	_BV(3), /*D25: 3, port C */
	_BV(4), /*D26: 4, port C */
	_BV(5), /*D27: 5, port C */
	_BV(6), /*D28: 6, port C */
	_BV(7), /*D29: 7, port C */
	_BV(4), /*D30: 4, port D */
	_BV(7)  /*D31: 7, port D */

const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] =
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 0  - PD0 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 1  - PD1 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 2  - PD2 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,    	/* 3  - PD3 */  
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 4  - PB0 */ 
	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 5  - PB1 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 6  - PB2 */
	TIMER0A,		/* 7  - PB3 */ // PWM

	TIMER1A,	 	/* 8  - PD5 */ // PWM
	TIMER2B, 		/* 9  - PD6 */ // PWM
	TIMER0B,	 	/* 10 - PB4 */ // PWM
	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 11 - PB5 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,     /* 12 - PB6 */ 
	NOT_ON_TIMER,     /* 13 - PB7 */ 
	NOT_ON_TIMER,     /* 14 - PA0 */ 
	NOT_ON_TIMER,     /* 15 - PA1 */ 

	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 16 - PA2 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 17 - PA3 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 18 - PA4 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 19 - PA5 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 20 - PA6 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 21 - PA7 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 22 - PC0 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 23 - PC1 */

	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 24 - PC2 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 25 - PC3 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 26 - PC4 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 27 - PC5 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 28 - PC6 */
	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 29 - PC7 */
	TIMER1B,		/* 30 - PD4 */ // PWM
	TIMER2A		/* 31 - PD7 */ // PWM