Nokia 6100 LCD Display - Arduino Playground

Ok, got it working (although I'm having the same issue with garbled output for now). For anybody who has the same board as myself from SparkFun.
Arduino LCD08600
N/A S1 (Pushbutton 1)
N/A S2 (Pushbutton 2)
Pin 3 CS (Chip Select)
Pin 4 SCK (Serial Clock)
Pin 5 DIO (Serial Data)
Pin 6 RESET (Reset)
N/A STAT2 (Green Status LED)
N/A STAT1 (Blue Status LED)
N/A STAT0 (Red Status LED)
Gnd GND (Ground)
3V3 3.3V (Power)
3V3 VBATT (Backlight Power)