Concatenate Float w/ a String

Whoops. You're right PaulS I originally had returned the char as a pointer rather than passing the char as an argument. That didn't work as I wanted and when I put the char in as the argument I forgot to change the returning variable to void.

I do realise that pow() is a float (double) function. However I am unaware of any other function in Arduino which would allow me to return 10 to the power of X. Obviously I can replace it with a for loop multiplying 10 by itself X number of times. But that just seems a lot less elegant and less logical to me.

If I use pow(10,2), pow(10,4), pow(10,6), ... I always get full integer results even without doing an int(pow(10,2)), ...

However if I use pow(10,iDigs) I always get a "rounded down" result regardless of the value of iDigs.
