2-dimensional array of longs and memory issues

There seems to be a fair amount of this:

  for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {

Any reason for not using index zero?

Not really... it's kind of a long story. I had some other problems earlier with communicating between arduinos and at the time it seemed like one of the problems I had was that sending a byte like 0x00 would not register as a sent byte on the other end, so instead of counting from 0 I switched to counting from 1 to get around this. In hindsight that probably wasn't the real problem I was having at the time, but anyway I just kept it like that to keep from screwing things up by changing it back to starting from 0 (I had bigger problems to deal with). I know there's a lot of stuff like that which could really be done a lot neater/better, but at the time, fixing things like that seemed a bit like giving the car a new shiny wax coat while both the engine and transmission were broken...