I'm out of memory? Is the next thing up the Mega644P?

By the way, your implementation of timer() does not handler millis() overflow correctly. To handle overflow, you can code it like this:

if(millis() - lastTime > interval)

    // interval has expired

Mine should do the same thing. My code is:

//keep track of time and handle millis() rollover
boolean timer(unsigned long timeout)
    return (long)(millis() - timeout) >= 0;

and then when I need to time something I do something like this:

last_valid_data = millis() + 2000;

and then I can just call timer like this:


which I believe mathematically is equivalent to your code. I could be wrong though. I took calculus twice in college and still only squeaked out a "C" grade so my math may not be up to snuff.