time functions such as hourFormat12()

Hey Bob, thanks for the reply.
But actually that is what I have implemented now. Specifically this part takes in a stream of UTC digits via serial cables. it works great:

void processSyncMessage() {
// if time sync available from serial port, update time and return true
while(Serial.available() >= TIME_MSG_LEN ){ // time message consists of header & 10 ASCII digits
char c = Serial.read() ;
if( c == TIME_HEADER ) {
time_t pctime = 0;
for(int i=0; i < TIME_MSG_LEN -1; i++){
c = Serial.read();
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9'){
pctime = (10 * pctime) + (c - '0') ; // convert digits to a number
setTime(pctime); // Sync Arduino clock to the time received on the serial port

Am I just not seeing how to use it with button input?