GSMSMS Read example error compiling

hello, I've started another topic here: GSMSMS Read example error compiling - Arduino GSM Shield - Arduino Forum
After I found out that the error in compiling a sample GSM receive sketch( from Arduino IDE) is caused by choosing a non-arduino boards in the board option of the IDE.
I can compile and upload any sample sketches but not the GSM sample sketches.
I have an original arduino due board and I am using my friend's Gizduino (it is a e-gizmo electronic shop philippines arduino version).

  1. if I select any arduino boards, such as arduino UNO, and select any comp port(this doesn't matter anyway), and then open a GSM receive sketch, click compile......wait a few seconds...the IDE returns a fine result... done compiling!

  2. If I select a non arduino board (note that I can burn/upload any sketches but not the GSM as I've mentioned already) it always give me an error even when I'm just compiling first the code.!

I'm really upset because of this. I'm tired, I've been fixing this for 10 hours or more. I swear, I was checking my codes again and again and later I realized that it is caused by a bootloader/board issue. I don't have my original arduino due right now and I can't finish this project my professor wants me to do.