ESP2866 Wi-fi module not pinging

I have been working with a water flow counter which sends data over wifi. I'm using an ESP2866 wifi module. Everything is correctly connected and I've gotten to the point where it's correctly connected to the wifi network and everything, except when I try to ping its IP adress from the cmd ( it times out.

I know this info has something to do: I have read it's something about my ipv4 not being 192.168... But i'm not sure if that's the issue or if so, how to fix it.

ESP2866 Module IP adress:
My IPV4 Adress is:
Subnet mask:
DNS servers:
Default gate:

why the address is it the address of the esp8266. the is the IP address of the computer?

The adress of the esp8266 is ad my computer's seems to be

are they in the same network? why got the esp8266 a standard local network IP address and the computer a 192.192 address?

Yes they are in the same network, I should state that it's a company network, not my home wifi. Should I be able to establish a connection if I changed the ESP2866's IP adress to 192.192....? Because I don't think I would be able to change the company's IP adress (If it's really necessary to change it I could speak to the network manager).

let the esp8266 get the IP address over dhcp

How is that done?

how do you set the address now?

I changed the ESP8266 module's IP to the same of the computer. I don't know how is this not creating any conflict. However, if I try to ping, I get a response but I don't know if it is from the module or my computer as they now have the same IP

you should not set address. the esp8266 should get it from the dhcp service