Leonardo with the TLC5940

I just want to confirm that I got the TLC5940 running with an Arduino Micro, which also is based on the ATmega32u4 and similar to the Leonardo.
I did not have to change anything in the TLC driver (except the NUM_TLCS in the tlc_config.h), the original Teensy support in the TLC library is working fine. Here is the pin mapping for the Arduino Micro:

Arduino Micro TLC5940
SCK (Pin 17) --> SCLK (Pin 25)
MOSI (Pin 18) --> SIN (Pin 26)
D9 (Pin 31) --> XLAT (Pin 24)
D10 (Pin 32) --> BLANK (Pin 23)
D5 (Pin 27) --> GSCLK (Pin 18)