AVRProjectIDE - Editor for AVR/Arduino Projects

Very nice you are working on this!

I am experiencing some problems though with code that compiles ok in the Arduino IDE, but not with yours. For example, I am using NewSoftSerial and SoftwareServo in my PDE. For both libraries I have an include. For example, I get messages: 'NewSoftSerial' does not name a type, 'Servo1' was not declared in this scope. Maybe it is a setting I am not aware of, but like I said, I don't get these messages in the Arduino IDE.

I also have a couple of suggestions:

  • For example, Ctrl-G, to Go To a line (like in VS editor)
  • Automatic save of (changed) files for backup every 5 minutes or so (I mention this because I let my computer on last night, for some reason the computer shut down and I lost my changes)

Looking forward to new version!