WiFlySerial and WiFly RN-XV

You mean path client side not server side right?

No, I mean server side. A web client requests a resource on the server. That resource has a path (better: location) on the server and that's what you have to supply on the GET line.

I can access it through a browser.

That doesn't mean it's available for the Arduino. Is that www.mysite.com a local or a remote site? Meaning, is it in your LAN or somewhere else in the Internet?
Your browser can also access the site if it's IP is registered in the hosts file or (if you're working on windows) if you gave it a local WINS name. Arduino is not Windows, it just asks the DNS server. I don't think this is a problem, I just wanna check it too.

telnet mysite.com 80
Connected to mysite.com.

This is just a connection test, you haven't sent the request. After you have the connection send that line with hitting return twice at the end:

GET /in-progress/arduino-test/counter/index.php?count=237 HTTP/1.0

Post the result you get (you can change all IPs and domain names if your security imposes).