void value not ignored as it ought to be

The function name, including set, should give you a clue that it is NOT reading anything. The class has a function with a similar name but with get instead of set. Get methods read. Why are you not using getCurrentReading() to get the current reading?

Edit: I reread what you are trying to do. I don't understand it. You can use setCurrentReading() to set a value, but it doesn't return anything. You can use getCurrentReading() to get the value, and it does return something.

Only when a function returns a value can the value be stored in a variable or passed to another function.

that is what I am saying, the setCurrentReading should set the value, but it does not. that is the line that throws the error, the setCurrentReading is the method that is throwing the error in the main ino file.

I guess I just need to know how to set currentReading in the class using calSenseA variable in the main ino file, not sure how to go about that. if that makes sense? apparently how I am doing it now isnt working. I thought that public variables can be set in this way.