SoftwareSerial with ATTiny84 using ATtiny library

Just a quick note and a question.
I have the exact same setup as Erni. I wasn't able to get any output when using SoftwareSerial. The code was running on the target (ATTiny85) but there was no output. Monitor enabled with "!" and "#" for restarting the tiny works.

I then tried to use TinyDebugKnockBang. When I put the header and implementation files into my sketches folder (inside the TinyDebugKnockBang directory), the Arduino IDE isn't able to pick it up (after restarting).
It just states that "Debug." isn't declared.
Since I am on a Mac, I have put the TinyDebugKnockBang directory directly inside the Now it works and I get the desired output.

Whats weird though, when I try the same blink example as Erni (just changed the led pin to 1 for the tiny), I get output as long as I don't connect the LED. When I connect it, the serial monitor prints:

--- Knock-Bang fault: 15 ---
