My low-cost eye tracking system

Hello there,

I developed a low cost eye tracking system. I just graduated from High School, and I am pursuing to study an Engineering career.

I would like you to check it out on Youtube, I am also competing in the youtube space lab competition. :slight_smile:

Luis Cruz

my resume:

Wow! That's impressive! Is the way you track eye movement by measuring electric potential your original idea?

Wow! I second the Wow!

Thank you! I'm glad you guys have liked my project.

@pekkaa: Yes, that's how I am detecting the eye movements. I am using the technology called "Electrooculography", which consists in placing some electrodes around the eyes placed on the skin.

Please visit my website for more information:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Luis Cruz
My Resume:

Seriously ... well done !

nice project and it could be life changing for someone with a disability.
