How to send message?


I have a problem. I want to send "hello" from Arduino uno module to other module.
But how to send "hello"?

print("hello") or println("hello") or write("hello") or other?

I am confused. Sorry

Is the other module a secret?
How is it connected to the arduino?

if they are both Arduinos you can use the UART , just connect ones Rx to the others Tx and have them at the same baud rate , you can even add parity bits to check if the message is coming across correctly etc..

Other module is flyport module.
Arduino is connected to flyport by using UART (rx and tx).

Thus, only I want to know is that how to send "hello" from arduino to flyport.

to send the words you would use Serial.print and parse the data on the flyport side
because Serial.write sends binary data

if they are both Arduinos you can use the UART , just connect ones Rx to the others Tx and have them at the same baud rate

Grounds also need to be connected.

I see and is it Serial.print("hello")?


I see and is it Serial.print("hello")?


Assuming you want to send 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l' and 'o', then yes.


if they are both Arduinos you can use the UART , just connect ones Rx to the others Tx and have them at the same baud rate

Grounds also need to be connected.

Yes. I already connect grounds. Thanks.


I see and is it Serial.print("hello")?


Assuming you want to send 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l' and 'o', then yes.

Oh you mean can use Serial.print('h') and Serial.print("hello")? are they to send to other module?

Oh you mean can use Serial.print('h') and Serial.print("hello")? are they to send to other module?

You can, but they won't be sending the same thing, or amount of data, if that's what you're thinking.

Okay Thanks! I got it. Hmm when send 'h' to other module, other module receives 'h' also? I just want to confirm.

Okay Thanks! I got it. Hmm when send 'h' to other module, other module receives 'h' also? I just want to confirm.

How about you try it and tell us?

try it out and see ]:smiley:

Erm. Actually, I am using voice recognition(EasyVR). It is connected to Arduino uno and its working. However, my main module is Flyport. Thus, I am thinking Arduino is connected to Flyport so that when I say "hello" to EasyVR in Arduino, then arduino sends 'h' or "hello" to Flyport and then after flyport receives 'h' or "hello", servo motor connected to Flyport is moving.

After I read your posts just now, servo motor is not working =x.

After I read your posts just now, servo motor is not working =x.

That means there is something wrong with your code/wiring. God only knows what that is, since you haven't posted any code or wiring scheme.

Divide your project into parts. To get the interface to the Flyport (whatever that is) working, write a test sketch that just sends a hard-coded message and get that interface working before you then try to use it in the rest of your project. I suggest you also test the VR part in isolation if you haven't already done it. Once both these interfaces work, all you need to do is include both features in a sketch that receives the input text from the VR interface and sends it to the Flyport interface.


After I read your posts just now, servo motor is not working =x.

That means there is something wrong with your code/wiring. God only knows what that is, since you haven't posted any code or wiring scheme.

Shhhsh! It's Top Secret. If he told us he'd have to kill us. :zipper_mouth_face:

Simple code that will echo what ever is sent from the serial monitor back to the serial monitor and out the arduino rx pin.

// zoomkat 7-30-11 serial I/O string test
// type a string in serial monitor. then send or enter
// for IDE 0019 and later

String readString;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("serial test 0021"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded

void loop() {

  while (Serial.available()) {
    delay(2);  //delay to allow byte to arrive in input buffer
    char c =;
    readString += c;

  if (readString.length() >0) {


Simple code that will echo what ever is sent from the serial monitor back to the serial monitor and out the arduino rx pin.

// zoomkat 7-30-11 serial I/O string test

// type a string in serial monitor. then send or enter
// for IDE 0019 and later

String readString;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("serial test 0021"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded

void loop() {

while (Serial.available()) {
    delay(2);  //delay to allow byte to arrive in input buffer
    char c =;
    readString += c;

if (readString.length() >0) {


Thanks for the help. I have tested the communication between Arduino and Flyport using your code but servo motor connected to Flyport is not working. So I think the problem is the communication between Arduino and Flyport.