Teensy 3.0


Pual, Pete, thanks for the clarification.

Jantje, I had just downloaded the source of avr-gcc and found the same thing. I also found sin.S which (once you get past the license and checks for redefinition) is just

#include "fp32def.h"

#include "asmdef.h"

/* float sin (float A);
    The sin() function returns the sine of A, where A is given in radians.

push rA3
rcall _U(__fp_rempio2)
pop r0
sbrc r0, 7
subi ZL, -2
rjmp _U(__fp_sinus)

This is just one level to deep for me. :~
This definition would be the one I would expect the UNO to use. Are you sure there is no definition of sin with long double as well?
What does the S in sin.S stand for? I googled it but it is to close to sin to find something relevant quickly.
Best regards

PS being someone who doesn't give up easily I hope the S to stand for small or single memory model and then a sin.L (or something else) could stand for large memory model containing the long double version. ]:smiley: