12V PC fan voltage control


they didn't slow down or respond to the PWM control through the motor controller at all.

Brushless motors are easy to tell: if you rotate the blades effortlessly, they are brushless motors.

I have a pc fan that reads:
"DC brushless, model AD0612MS C70GL 12V 0,13A ADDA CORP."
but if I turn it when it's off I can feel "magnetic force hills" so to speak. Even if I give it a spin, it oscillates a little around a precise position just before totally stopping. Every 360° turn sees 4 distinct poisitions (4 poles ?).
I can control this fan with a transistor and an arduino pwm pin (i.e. standard analogWrite() call).
Is this "real" brushless or what ? I'm confused. Thanks for any hints!
(ps: I've looked for a datasheet but couldn't find nothing but endless part lists...)