Lanc Controller with Arduino...

DC42 -
That worked perfect! I was able to build out my code to emulate a video camera. I'm printing out the commands from the lanc controller like a champ. It's great how simple the circuit works using a single line! Thanks a million for the help!

I do have another question for any one though:
I'm storing the binary response in an array. But I'm new to arduino sketch / C++. How do I dump my array into a long string or one 8 bit integer? I have done a lot of searching. But maybe I'm not searching the right terms.

Here is how I'm capturing the bits:

// Start Reading Byte 0 
    pinMode(lancPin, INPUT);
    for (int i=7; i>-1; i--) {
      lancBit[i] = digitalRead(lancPin);  // Read bits into array 

// Start Reading Byte 1
    pinMode(lancPin, INPUT);
    for (int i=15; i>7; i--) {
      lancBit[i] = digitalRead(lancPin); // Read bits into array

Arduino really seems to have a lot of people who care about the community.
Thanks again for all of the help!