Newbie question on designing your own 'board' instead of using wires

I've been playing with DipTrace on and off... so far, I'm liking it's features. Haven't gotten to defining my own part yet.
It seems very powerful and lots of editing options...

It's fugly though on an OSX, and hate seeing the C:\Program Files\blah blah blah directory structure.

I used to do PowerBuilder on Macs and it was the same way, essentially they were just emulating most of it so it had the same structure as the PC version.

I had to do a couple of matricies in the component / pattern editor. It's pretty easy and explained well in the tutorial. This is an Adafruit 0.8" matrix with a pattern on a schematic. Board should be coming tomorrow, hopefully I got everything right. I'm already worried I made the power traces way too thin. The MAX7219s and matricies are bussed out to 6 total pairs.





