Arduino Wifi to Android Processing!

Hi all,

I am trying to present data on my android devise from a arduino wifi server.

In more detail - I am having trouble getting android processing to read my server data.

I can do this with no problems with normal processing, the step to android processing seems difficult. (the lack of libraries and such with android make it more troublesome)

My server data is a message structured as a constant stream (for now) as: "R,0,1,R,0,1,R,0,1,R,0"...etc
The server is on a given port and IP.

How can I read this into android processing from this IP?

What is the best way for my android devise to understand the server data?

It is probably one line of code I am missing, such as a byte read?

I have been looking at oscP5 libraries but I do not know how to structure a oscP5 message on arduinos side of things.

I can set up communications between my android devise (android processing) and my PC (normal processing) with oscP5. But not with arduino.

In summary: When i manage to read some sensor values (from my wifi server) in android processing - I will be very happy :slight_smile:

Apologies for the fragmented structure to this post, i guess it shows the thought path newbies like myself take.

Any recommendations will be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Did you have an Arduino question?

In response:

How can i integrate the oscP5/netP5 library into arduino?

many thanks,

How can i integrate the oscP5/netP5 library into arduino?

Got a link to the library you want to integrate?

Thanks PaulS,

That code is written in Java. You'd need to rewrite it in C++. Not an impossible job, but not trivial, either.

Whether it would even fit on an Arduino is another question.