Displaying information from serial monitor in a more aesthetically pleasing way?

So I am using an arduino to read from a sensor and then tell the user what action should be taken based on the reading.

I need to present this in a few days and the serial monitor just doesn't look good enough. This is for a safety application so I want to be able to display the infromation with large font and colours.

Does anyone know of a program which would take the data from the serial monitor and allow me to display it and use it as I have described on my laptop screen? Or any other methods that you can think of.



Did you tried putty ?


You can manage color, font size, etc, and work over serial connection as serial monitor in arduino software.

You could write a PC program using Python and display the data any way you like. This demo and this GUI demo may be useful.


Thanks for your replies, but I was actually told to try processing (https://processing.org/) by someone else. This was perfect for me and looks like it can be used to do lots of other cool things as well.